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Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring 2013 Birding!

I'm bullish on birding this spring! From my own backyard to other area outdoor locales it has been a really good season for seeing and photographing many old favorites plus some new "lifers" here and there. Here are some of my best Spring 2013 birds and where I found them.

American Goldfinch, Brown-headed Cowbird, Chipping Sparrow (my backyard feeders)

Northern Cardinal (my backyard feeders)

Juvenile Northern Cardinal (frontyard shrubs)
Northern Cardinal (my backyard feeders)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (my backyard)

Yellow-throated Warbler (old Kings Grant golf course)
Newborn Mallard chicks and adults (Magnolia Cemetery)

Juvenile Bluebird with adult (Magnolia Cemetery)

New Canada Goose family (Coosaw Creek No. 15)
Carolina Wren babies and mother (my front porch)

Baltimore Oriole (my friend/neighbor Richard's backyard)

White-breasted Nuthatch (my backyard)  
American Goldfinch (my backyard)
Blue Grosbeak (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Red-winged Blackbird (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Ospreys (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Osprey (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Roseate Spoonhill (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Roseate Spoonhill (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Green Heron (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Magnolia Cemetery)
Northern Mockingbird (Magnolia Cemetery)
Pink-footed Goose (Mildred) and Canada Goose (Magnolia Cemetery)
Pied-billed Grebe (Magnolia Cemetery)
Double-crested Cormorants (Coosaw Creek No. 17 pond)
Little Blue Heron (Coosaw Creek No. 5 fairway pond after heavy rain)
Great Blue Heron (old Kings Grant golf course)
Green Heron (old Kings Grant golf course)
Juvenile Little Blue Heron (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Little Blue Herons (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Green Heron with snake (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Tricolored Heron (Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, ACE Basin)
Great Blue Heron (Coosaw Creek No. 15 pond)

More to come. There's still a lot of spring to go!

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