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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fall Backyard Bird Bounce

Cooler weather (finally!) seems to have increased my backyard bird activity this weekend. I spent some time on my back porch after seeing lots of action at my feeders while looking out the window.

I saw and photographed some returning favorites. Here they are:

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler 

Chipping Sparrow

Downy Woodpecker

Pine Warbler

Pretty good weekend shoot! And I didn't need to leave my back porch. I also shared these photos on Facebook bird sights I follow and am part of. This yellow bird above received a lot of comments and discussions. There are thoughts that it may be a Blackburnian Warbler and not a Pine Warbler. I've turned to my go-to bird ID site,, and am still awaiting conclusive results.  Will correct if necessary.  

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