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Sunday, July 14, 2019

More Shipping News

Today was another nice day at the beach! Station 17 at Sullivan's Island has become our go-to spot. It's never crowded and has great views of the channel to Charleston, which today was busy with ships and other vessels coming and going.
This container ship, only partially loaded, was heading out to sea. It is the Japanese ship Meishan Bridge

There's a lot going on this photo above as the shrimp boat Warren H. Rector (has its own Facebook site!) passes the giant Meishan Bridge. Dozens of shore birds trail the trawler. A Brown Pelican zooms by in the forefront. And a small pleasure craft is checking things out as well.  

A pair of Laughing Gulls in the foreground with the the Meishan Bridge and a tugboat pulling a barge in the background. Folks enjoying the ocean water in the middle.  
The Warren H. Rector (foreground) and a second shrimp trawler heading home, likely to Shem Creek to drop off the day's catch. Hope it was a good one!  

A flock of seagulls (literally) accompany the shrimp boats. They are looking for handouts and scraps. 
This big red vessel is from the Norwegian shipper Odfjell Tankers. It's the Bow Tone, built in Japan in 2009. It has 16 tanks for carrying chemicals.  There is an Odfjell chemical terminal in Charleston (or North Charleston) on Montegue Avenue. That's something I didn't know before!  

Sunday was a particularly clear day. The Charleston skyline, and some "Holy City" church steeples, can be seen (click on the photo to make it larger). 
On land (below) the top of Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church on Sullivan's Island can be seen from the beach, as can an old American flag (note the number of stars) that flies at nearby Fort Moultrie, which dates to the 1700s and is notable for, among other things, a early American victory in the war for independence from Great Britain. 
The Morris Island Lighthouse can be seen below (left side). I have long been a member of the Save the Light organization that is working to stabilize and restore the old light. 

We talked about going to Folly Beach next time to see the Morris Island Lighthouse. Look for a post soon about that.  Thank you for reading. 

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