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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Early Book Publicity


I am starting to try to generate some PR and publicity for my new book. This week I received disappointing news from Palmetto Publishing that delivery of the first batch will be three weeks or so later than I was told in mid-June when the manuscript was ready to be printed. Looking at early September for the first 100 copies, instead of mid-August. 

In recent weeks I have begun making contacts with area media, sending my book news release. And I have emailed a few administrators at Charleston churches featured in my book. I am trying to set up some fall book signing and talk events. 

I also sent information to my college alma maters that have sites in their magazines and online regarding alumni authors and notes. Above can be seen items posted this week at Northwestern University, where I went to journalism graduate school.

Here are the two links sent me by the nice woman in NU’s alumni relations office:

This is what was put in class notes online. Hopefully, I will also be in the school’s flagship magazine next issue. 

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