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Friday, October 26, 2018

Popular Pix Enhance Photo Fun

Facebook seeks engagement and it has certainly become more engaging to me. Why? How?
Specialty sites within Facebook have helped me find people of similar interests.

Case in point, this picture I snapped with my iPhone Monday night on Coming Street near the College of Charleston.

Not Rainbow Row but colorful still...

I froze in my tracks on the sidewalk when I saw the pair of old Charleston Single Houses ("icons of Charleston architecture," according to this link), their contrasting colors, the bright street lamp in front of the pink dwelling, and the strong moon glow pouring down from above. 

The next night I shared this picture on the Facebook site I joined a while ago called "Charleston History Before 1945." It quickly accumulated "likes," a few shares, and nearly a dozen positive comments. As  I write this post on Friday night the number of likes and other reactions is closing in on 200. 

I know if I had posted this photo in just my regular Facebook it would gave received maybe a dozen or two reactions. Does that matter? Well, it does in that it is more motivating to share photographs if you think people will notice them! 

Part of Wesley United Methodist Church at 3242 Ladson Road 

Another specialty Facebook site I follow and contribute to is the South Carolina Picture Project. This photo of a small Ladson Road Methodist church I drive by on my way to work also drew a positive response. I processed the image in a fun and free phone app called Snapseed. The result is a more dramatic image via the HDR and other effects. 

So this is a shout out to Facebook and the people who start such content specific sites. Other ones I enjoy are themed to birds and bird and nature photography in South Carolina. 

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