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Monday, August 5, 2019

Cool Clouds and an Army Ship?

The clouds were the stars at the beach yesterday. They were big, white and puffy. The shapes were interesting too. These were taken from Sullivan's Island (where else!).

This formation looks like an anvil.

Also of interest, a U.S. Army ship (I didn’t know the Army has ships!) spotted entering Charleston Harbor this afternoon. Per the Post and Courier there is a big military exercise going on at the Air Force base this week. This vessel is the U.S. Army LCU (Landing Craft Utility) 2031. Yes, there's a website for everything these days! It's called New Orleans. The third photo may be other ships waiting to come in. Or the Charleston jetty rocks are growing. This view makes me thinking of the Allied invasion of Normandy, France in 1944. The Germans on the shore saw something like this, only hundreds more ships were coming at them. 

A pod of dolphins took in the sights too.

It was a very nice day at Sullivan’s Island. As we headed home the weather wasn’t so nice. Here’s how it looked on the Ravenrl Bridge. On I-26 the rain came and it poured for a while. 

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