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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Botany Bay’s Boneyard Beach

Edisto Island Beach has been our sandy sun spot this summer but Saturday we returned to an old friend not far from Edisto. But before I take you there, I want to mention how on our way we stopped for lunch at a wonderful restaurant along the way. Roxbury Mercantile is on Highway 174 in the community of Meggett, S.C. I had a pork barbecue sandwich that was delicious. Do want to go there again! 

Botany Bay (official name: Botany Bay Plantation Heritage Preserve/Wildlife Management Area) has a unique look, nothing like the well manicured Edisto Beach community. Botany Bay is remote and rugged. It has what’s called a boneyard beach for the dozens of trees over the years that have fallen due to erosion, hurricanes and other storms. 

Before a visit here, checked the tide charts (the Edisto Beach chart will do). If you visit at high tide, there won’t be any or much beach to walk on or park a beach chair. Come at low tide to give yourself a few hours to enjoy the unique beauty of this coastline. 

Botany Bay, totalling more than 3,300 acres, is a state nature preserve, one of several located south of Charleston managed by South Carolina's Department of Natural Resources. It used to be a private plantation, two actually, until the owners deeded it to the state in 1977. It was opened to the public in 2008. Read about the history here. 

Botany Bay offers roads and trails to explore other parts of the vast property. But for us today, the beach was plenty. Once you park there’s a walk of about a half-mile along a scenic boardwalk leading to the beach. 

There are lots of shells on Botany Beach but there is a ban on taking any of them. The attraction here is the tree-lined (or tree-felled) beach. The photo opportunities are excellent. The water was a bit choppy on this day. Beach shoes or other footwear is advisable because the surface under the water can be slippery and also studded with sharp branches and shells. And there can be some unexpected holes in the ocean floor. 

The beach is cool with many nooks and crannies for private and quiet sunbathing spots. 

Fun outing! What a great beach option in the Charleston area! 

Yay Botany Bay!  

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