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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Edisto So Chill on a Hot Summer Sunday

This deep into summer the beach at Edisto Island was not as crowded as previous weekends. The rather remote locale has been a pleasant getaway during this unprecedented year of the pandemic.

It’s a bit of a drive from our Charleston-area home but worth it with the free, easy and close to the beach parking. And again on this day, the weather was perfect despite a forecast of possible rain in the area.

(left) Fishers (or anglers) in the foreground, a child walks in the middle of an ocean groin and check out the squadron of Brown Pelicans coming in swift and low in the background.
Beach scenes. The clouds were impressive on this day. These photos are slightly enhanced with high dynamic range (HDR) processing tools.

The Willet is a common sight on local beaches. It’s a pretty little shore bird with a striking black-tipped bill.

 Laughing Gulls are also beach regulars. They look for handouts for humans. During mating season the bill is red. A group of Laughing Gulls can be called a "gullery" or "screech."

Look closely at the photo below. There’s a smidge of red at the tip of the bill.  Bird source material says these may be non-breeding Laughing Gulls.

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