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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sighting Continues

Yesterday was a rare clear dry day this winter, so I was able to enjoy some cool (literally with the temperature in the 50s) back porch time in the sunshine.  Right away, I heard then saw an old friend up in a pine tree. Pecking away was this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. This is one of my favorite bird names. 

For years a Sapsucker, maybe this same one, has frequented my backyard trees. Must be some tasty treats he’s able to find in the wood. 

Notice above the row of three holes on the right side of the tree. 

This is a male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Note the red throat under the bill. The female’s throat is white. 

The bird’s coloring blends so well with tree bark. A defense feature I would think, making it hard for predators to spot. 

Great to see you, hear you and photograph you again old friend! 

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