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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Beach Is Fun- But There Are Rules

These guys came to Sullivan’s Island Sunday eager for a fun day on the beach and in the water. 

But bringing a cooler of beer was not the brightest idea. Nor was openly drinking beer while in the ocean. 

Not long after I took this photo, which I liked because of its composition with the Morris Island Lighthouse in the background, a patrolling Sullivan’s Island police officer stopped to talk to the men while they were still in the water and then wrote them up to the tune of a $260 fine.

I observed the same officer take plastic bottles and styrofoam cups from other visitors. Those are no-no's as well. Rules are rules. But be discreet if you want to challenge them. Just saying. 

Click here to see all the rules at Sullivan's Island beach. 

Here are my best shots from a really pretty day at this lovely and peaceful beach (normally). 

Look what the incoming tide brought in!  Yikes there were so many dead jelly fish! 

This beach visit was the debut of the new wagon Alesia bought. It was a hit!  

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