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Thursday, October 20, 2022

New Book Coverage from Area Media!

I am excited to see some media coverage of my new book, "Stories from the Underground: The Churchyards of Charleston." Such coverage is, of course, excellent publicity, and I am hopeful it will help attract people to my upcoming book signings. 

At SC State University where I teach communications courses I was interviewed for our BNN or Bulldog News Now program that aired Oct. 21.   Here's the report by Sydaija Smalls, one of our most talented students. Thanks also to my colleague Professor Justin Smith for the coverage. 

I just went to this week's Charleston City Paper online version and am thrilled to see myself right there on the "front page" and "above the fold" at that.

Here is a link to the full article.

This week I also received some positive ink in the Orangeburg Times and Democrat. Last Friday I sent a news release (on my BirdsEyeViews Publications letterhead) to the editor. I am having a book signing in town on Sunday, Oct. 23. 

Click here to see the article that goes with my mug in the T&D screen grab to the right. 

Back in August a college intern at the Orangeburg paper did a really good article about my book in advance of its release. 

SC State, where I am on the communication faculty, put out a notice on campus email about my book signing and sent its own news release to regional news outlets. 

I have received several kudos from colleagues and a few from my students too. Good stuff! 

I have also created some good exposure for my new book and my upcoming signing events through social media. This includes a post last week on the Facebook site, “Charleston History Before 1945.” I wrote it to share my September blog post featuring 10 of the favorite gravesites in my book. 

This Facebook site has also helped me make a connection with the Charleston chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Association. I plan to join this group and perhaps give a talk to its members next year. 

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