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Monday, November 7, 2022

Big Book Signing Weekend!


Saturday was a fun one at my neighborhood’s annual fall arts and crafts fair. I had a table to peddle my books and am so appreciative of my Coosaw Creek neighbors’ interest and support. 

Jack, a retired U.S. Army general, purchased my new “Churchyards of Charleston” book. He grew up in Charleston so I know he will appreciate the Holy City tribute. 

I’m a sucker for holiday decorations. From Eloise, I bought this really cute little sled as well as a charming Christmas sleigh shown next. 

That’s Lynx keeping an eye on the new addition to the household. 

Another resident had some neat clothes for sale. Jairy Hunter established his own line, Holy City Brand. This shirt has in the background our favorite annoyance, the mosquito. I bought this for Alesia who dutifully accompanies me on these events. 

I did manage to sell more than I spent at the arts and crafts show. I miss displaying my Magnolia Cemetery “In the Arms of Angels” book, which has been re-ordered and I should have in three or four weeks, hopefully. 

I wore my Sunday best for the next day’s event. This was a long-planned book signing at Second Presbyterian Church, one of the 14 houses of worship featured in my new book. 

The man (below) in the kilt harkens back to the Presbyterian church’s Scottish roots.

I was able to set up a table outside the historic church to greet members after their 11 a.m. worship service. 

Alesia and I met many fine people and I am most appreciative of the opportunity facilitated by church administrator Suzann Lillienthal. It was also a treat on this day to meet the pastor, Rev. cress Darwin. 

I also invited the general public to come by later in the day and had a few visitors including these nice folks. Kathleen Press (holding my new book) stopped by with her husband Francis White and his sister, Mary. Kathleen and Francis are kindred spirits in their passion for history and burial sites, fellow taphophiles indeed! 

My next church signing will be Sunday, Dec. 4 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Hasell Street downtown.  

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