Monday, April 29, 2024

Colorful Creature!


Back in March I spotted this unusual critter on the brick by my garage. It is something I did not recognize so I posted a few photos and a short video (below) on my neighborhood's Facebook site. 

I received several informed responses. One neighbor said that this is a Luna Moth. From this website I learned that its born as a caterpillar that eats different types of leaves. After about a month  it builds a cocoon where it lives for about three weeks then emerges as a Luna Moth.  

I also shared these images on the South Carolina Wildlife Photos site. One responder said she thinks the wings appear to not have unfurled correctly. 

Another man said: "I'm not 100% certain but usually when they first come out of the cocoon their wings look something like that. They will sit still and slowly pump blood into their wings, making them unfurl. It's just that purple part at the top of their wings make me think something may be wrong."

Some research on this moth reveals that it only lives for about one week. What a shame! 

The reason for the short life span is that "like other members of the giant silkworm family, have reduced mouthparts so they don't eat at all" (per this source).

Check out the video below.

I know I have seen Luna Moth's before but cannot find one I may have photographed. 

So here's what one looks like during its all-too-short life. Courtesy this site. 

When out in nature, I will keep an eye out for Luna Moths so I can add my own "capture" to this site. 

It is always nice to learn new things about Mother Nature! 

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