Sunday, May 1, 2011

Red-Tailed Hawk

 Stopped and got out of my car when I spotted this magnificent hawk atop a utility pole.  Fortunately the highway wasn't too busy and I was able to manuever around and get a few decent shots of a gorgeous bird with a with a brilliant blue sky behind it.
Red-Tailed Hawk- its distinctive red tail feathers visible in these photos taken in August 2010 at the Point Reyes National Seashore near San Francisco.
Closer to home...

Went back to September 2010 for these photos I took of a Red-Tailed Hawk at Charleston's Magnolia Cemetery.
Hawks are rare to come across at the cemetery. I've seen a few fly over but to encounter one on a fairly low branch was very exciting.
And this one didn't seem to mind the human attention.
I wasn't able to get a real good shot of its distinctive red tail feathers but you can see them a little bit in the shot below.
 Recently at the wonderful Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, I saw this Red-Tailed in the petting zoo.
A little sad to see it in captivity like this.
But it does give the public a unique chance to see--and better appreciate- such a beautiful and majestic creature.
A little fuzzy, but here's a Red-Tailed in flight. Shot this along the new part of the Palmetto Commerce Parkway in North Charleston.

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