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Sunday, November 17, 2013

First Light: Sunrise at Magnolia Cemetery

The Ravenel Bridge that connects Charleston and Mount Pleasant over the Cooper River
Being up and on the road extra early this fall to be at Charleston's Magnolia Cemetery by 8 a.m. for my parttime job there, I admired many glorious sunrises before the time changed recently.

I made an effort to get to the cemetery early a few mornings so I could get to the back of the grounds to see the sunrise from a prime viewing spot. Here are some of my sunrise and first light photographs. Enjoy!
Lowndes monument frames a brilliant sunrise

First lights covers Magnolia Cemetery like a warm blanket

Monuments seem to welcome the rays of light at the dawn of a new day

Early morning scene of the Ravenel Bridge, a palmetto tree and cemetery monuments

A light fog covers the cemetery grounds

Soon the morning mist gives way to a picture-perfect blue sky that Hattie Bird seems to be enjoying!

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