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Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Book Receives College of Charleston Support

Patrick Harwood
I am pleased to share the news that the new book I am currently writing about Magnolia Cemetery is receiving financial support from the College of Charleston's School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Special thanks goes to the school's dean, Dr. Jerold L. Hale, for approving my application for special funding to assist faculty involved in research initiatives.

As I work to soon complete the manuscript of "In the Arms of Angels: The History, Mystery and Artistry of Magnolia Cemetery," these funds, nearly $700, will help in the steps toward publication. I am optimistic the new book will be out early next year.

"In the Arms of Angels" follows my 2011 release of "The Birds of Magnolia Cemetery: Charleston's Secret Bird Sanctuary" available at the cemetery office and more than a dozen Charleston area bookstores and historic site gift shops, as well as through Amazon.

Stay tuned for updates on the new book and thanks again to CofC for the support. Many thanks also to Magnolia Cemetery Superintendent Beveryly Donald for her ongoing assistance, support and friendship.

I have worked at the university since 1991 in college relations then as a faculty member in the communication department.

To be notified about the release of "In the Arms of Angels" please contact me at

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