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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bountiful Bay Beauty

The Chesapeake Bay Northern Neck part of Virginia where my parents live is a great place for photography. I always come back home with nice new images. Sometimes, during winter visits, the pictures feature snow, which we very rarely see in South Carolina.

Here are some favorites from my most recent visit. See also the two bird-related posts that precede this one. One features Ospreys, the other Barn Swallows.

"Ditch" lilies aka Orange day lilies and Tiger lilies 

Left: Bermuda buttercup (?) and Hydrangea

Corn crops were everywhere in this fertile agricultural region 

Don't think I've ever seen a smaller post office than this one in Mollusk, Va. 
Not sure if this link is current, but it says this post office is for sale! 

"Priced to sell" at $19,500 says the online listing
Chipping Sparrow caught calling 
Panoramic view of my parents' wonderful house 
Breakfast with my folks at the Lancaster Tavern and Inn 
I couldn't help but notice how much this man looks like Gen. Stonewall Jackson pictured on the wall by him. 
My Dad during a stop at his local post office
I had a very enjoyable kayak adventure with Artur Morka. He and his wife have a home in the Northern Neck.  

What a great getaway this was!  I hope to back here around Thanksgiving time.  

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