Friday, June 14, 2024

I'm the Guest on a Cemetery Podcast!!!

First time experiences can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. There was anticipation for the event to finally happen as the interview with me was set up months ago. But June 4 finally arrived and at 10 a.m. I was in my chair in our home office ready to talk Charleston and its many interesting cemeteries and graveyards. 

Dianne Hartshorn and Jennie Johnson have hosted "The Ordinary, Extraordinary Cemetery Podcast" for more than three years. I was honored to be the guest for episode 188. They let me go on for more than an hour about my books "Stories from the Underground: The Churchyards of Charleston" and "In the Arms of Angels: Magnolia Cemetery- Charleston's Treasure of History, Mystery and Artistry" and how I became interesting in these offbeat topics. 

Here is a link to the podcast's page about my appearance.

On YouTube it can be viewed here: 

To just listen to the podcast (and not see us as you do in the YouTube video above), it is available via all the popular streaming services such as Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts. 

Dianne and Jennie are fellow "taphophiles" (obviously) and they were so much fun to speak with and share my passion for Charleston, S.C.- the Holy City! 

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