Monday, September 11, 2017

Snapseed Phone App a Snap for Photo Enhancing

Recently, while driving to work on Ladson Road, I was struck by this photo opportunity. I liked the leading lines of the power lines on the left and the sky had a cool look too.

So I very carefully took a few pictures with my iPhone 7.

Later I would bring this image into a really neat photo editing app called Snapseed.

There are many things you can do to enhance and tweak photos with this free app.

I used the HDR (high dynamic range) tool to see what would happen.  And I liked what I saw in terms of making the picture more dramatic and interesting.  On Snapseed you can tweak images with multiple tools. Save what you like and discard what you don't. It all very easy!
Similarly, I used Snapseed's "chrome" tool to enhance a recent photo of GiGi, our beautiful Calico Persian.

It is amazing what can be done with a smart phone and free photo app such as Snapseed!

I do use Adobe Photoshop on my desktop computer. At SC State, where I teach communication courses, I have students in a digital media class learning about Adobe's Creative Cloud. I assigned the students to do a before and after photo processing project.

On my school blog, I posted this material to help give them so ideas how to do this in Photoshop.

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